Why Join a Transitioning Athlete Network?

Existing transitioning athlete network members login here.

“My transition after hockey, including 4 hip operations, was not easy.  I think what you are doing is invaluable for young men who are transitioning into a life after hockey.” Kelly Sickavish – 3 years BCHL, 4 years NCAA Div I, 4 years Central Hockey League. Stevedore Foreman at Kinder Morgan Vancouver Wharves.

If you are like virtually every high performance athlete before you, the thought of transitioning from sport into your next career can feel scary, intimidating, confusing, or depressing. Through our Transitioning Athlete Network you’ll meet professionals 1 step or 10 steps ahead of you in their professional careers with answers to burning questions, and fasttrack your way through lessons they’ve learned through years of trial and error, failure, and success.  Watch the tutorial at the bottom of this page to set up your account and profile in less than 4 minutes.

In the words of Simon Sinek, we hope you find your ‘why,’ not just your ‘what.’  Finding a career that services your greater purpose  in life is fulfilling, and intrinsically motivating.  The job is just the ‘what.’  The reason you do it, your ‘why,’ makes all the difference.

We hope that you meet someone you’ll eventually call a ‘mentor’, someone whose insights and experiences will change the course of your life. Someone who’ll help you ignite the same passion in your next chapter that you had as an athlete. You’ll look back years from now feeling grateful to have met a certain person, who helped guide you in your journey of finding new personal and professional purpose. Building your post athletic career begins here. A rewarding and fulfilling life awaits.

Athlete Network: Make Connections in the ‘Real World’:

  1. Meet a professional in a field that interests you for coffee, a drink, or a phone call. You may decide to meet once, or once every few months if you make a great connection. Do your personality and life interests match those required to succeed in a certain profession? This is a great chance to start asking good questions to qualified people.
  2. Job shadow someone from our community, or their colleague, for a day, to get the inside look on what it’s like to be a teacher, carpenter, coach, accountant, etc. “Who knew this is what it’s really like to be a ____?” You might love it, or realize it’s not for you. What a well spent day either way.
  3. Apply for a part time, off-season, or full time unpaid internship. Developing valuable skills you’ll need in your next career will make all the difference in the world when it comes to applying for jobs or starting your own venture. This might just turn out to be the best education you’ll ever receive.
  4. If through our community, you find an employment opportunity, well that would be just great. However we encourage you to use this network for much more than finding a ‘job.’ Leverage the vast experience of people in this network.  They are here because they want to help.  Explore ideas, ask good questions, and consider a number of careers.

Athlete Network Registration

(Once you create your account here, you’ll be able to build out your Directory Profile to explore your interests and connect with great professionals. Your address will not appear in our directory)


Watch this video tutorial if you need help

As an athlete just make sure you are on this athlete registration page.

NOTE: Connecting transitioning athletes with professionals in their communities is a service of critical importance. However neither party (athlete or professional) are under any obligation to accept offers to connect. Many athletes have no idea what they might want to do in their next career following a life in sport. We know because we were you. Our former teammates and athletes within our network know how important this connection is, and want to help.

We could simply call the role of this professional community a MENTOR. However, we believe that ‘mentor’ is a gift word to be bestowed upon the professional by a younger person as you see fit. We cannot call ourselves mentors. Joining this community provides the opportunity to earn the honour of ‘mentor’ by a transitioning high performance athlete who needs guidance, support, and an opportunity to explore the whole new world before them.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.