Leading with Curiosity Podcast - Episodes & Show Notes

Host - Nate Leslie, Certified Executive Coach

Ben Sporer
Author / Book

Ep. 48 – Outputs: Rethinking Performance. Guest Ben Sporer

Ben Sporer, PhD, is the vice-president of performance strategy for the Vancouver Whitecaps FC of MLS. He is also the author behind the book Output: Optimizing Your Performance with Lessons Learned from Sport.

Ep.45 Sophie McLean
Author / Book

Ep.45 – When I Locked Eyes with the Dalai Lama… Guest Sophie McLean.

Sophie McLean is a returning guest of Leading with Curiosity. She is a Wisdom Teacher and author who just launched her second book called “Awakening All Sleepwalkers: An Essential Guide to Expand Awareness and Bring Forth a New Culture for Humankind.”

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