
Host - Nate Leslie, Certified Executive Coach

Todd Cherches
Author / Book

Ep.18 – VisuaLeadership: I SEE What You Are Saying. Guest Todd Cherches.

Todd Cherches is the CEO & Cofounder of BigBlueGumball, an innovative NYC-based consulting firm specializing in leadership development, management training, public speaking, and executive coaching. Creator of the patented VisuaLeadership methodology, Todd is a TEDx speaker (“The Power of Visual Thinking”), as well as a three-time award winning Adjunct Professor of leadership at NYU and Columbia University. He is also the author of VisuaLeadership: Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking in Leadership and in Life.

Executive Coaching

Ep. 11 – Showing Genuine Interest in People as a Leader, and Where We Get It Wrong. With Janet Wood and Jeff Smith.

In this episode we deviate from our 1 on 1 format. Nate Leslie, Jeff Smith, and Janet Wood discuss the importance of showing genuine interest in people as a leader, and where we get it wrong. This is an audio recording of the SupportingLines Institute Human Experience Summit. We’ve broken up the 90 minute virtual summit into 3 parts to sprinkle amongst other episodes. This is Part 1.

What is Certified Executive Coaching
Executive Coaching

What is Certified Executive Coaching? Frequently Asked Questions

What is Certified Executive Coaching? A Certified Executive Coach works alongside a leader (ex. Executive, High Potential, Entrepreneur) in a confidential partnership with the intent of increasing leadership effectiveness over the duration of the engagement, and beyond.

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