Ep. 5 The Secret to High Performance Leadership with Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith doesn’t shy away from large scale challenges. He leans in. He is the founder of the SupportingLines Institute, a CPA, and former CFO. He is a Master Executive Coach, and a yoga instructor!

Picture of BEN MACKAY


LGS Lead Instructor | Marketing Coordinator | Producer - Leading with Curiosity Podcast

Leading with Curiosity Podcast: Episode 5

Leading a sales team that helped a global helicopter company double sales to $1.6B is just one of many business success stories that always catches my attention. While many Executive Coaches build their practice around serving individual clients, Jeff’s SupportingLines mission is to ‘Help Millions of People have a better human experience at work.’

Today we dive into the data driven approach to leadership that places the SupportingLines Institute in a unique position to help leaders understand their behaviours, and its impact on high performance culture.

*Host Nate Leslie is a Certified SupportingLines Coach. His keen interest in Jeff’s work has led to an incredibly rewarding collaboration.

Today Jeff and Nate Explore:

  • Paradigms of understanding high performance culture.
  • Experiencing defeat and missed expectations of the ’88 Olympics.
  • Being in service of others, and the journey of becoming a yoga instructor. 
  • Cultivating a rock solid culture where performance is based on the shared values and a clear vision.
  • Learn more about Jeff Smith and the SupportingLines Institute here.
  • Read more about Nate Leslie here.

Command and Control Leadership is Dead. We interview leaders, entrepreneurs, and Certified Executive Coaches challenging old paradigms and fostering cutting edge leadership. The brain behaves very differently when ‘encouraged to think’ rather than ‘told to listen’. Hosted by Nate Leslie – Certified Executive Coach (M.Ed., ACC, CEC) and former professional athlete.

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