What Can Executive Coaching do for You?

Executive coaching helps leaders get above the clouds and calibrate the new horizon in today’s uncertainty. Leaders and business owners face unprecedented challenges as the coronavirus pandemic impacts every aspect of our lives. I can relate. I have a sport development business where 1000+ athletes and families to converge in one location from around the world. We have our challenges ahead too. 

As leaders you are navigating more change than ever before. You’re tasked with finding quick solutions and make challenging decisions in a fluid, unstable environment:

  • Safety and wellbeing of yourself, your family, your employees, and their families
  • Enabling a remote workforce
  • Inability to activate a remote workforce
  • Uncertainty of future revenue
  • Navigating cash flow, government policies, overhead  
  • And many more…

Leadership is Isolating. A Coach is in Service to You.

Leaders often have very few people to whom they can turn to for support while making critical decisions. Friends, family, spouses, and colleagues may have a bias or significant stake in the outcomes. Did you know that an executive coach is a confidential, unbiased, trained professional who holds you capable of discovering your solutions, and creates a safe space for you to work through your leadership challenges? We’re trained to ask the right questions at the right times to dive deeply into the heart of your challenges, passionately curious, and dedicated to helping you find clarity, direction, and commitment in the tough decisions you need to make. We don’t consult, teach, or facilitate in a coaching engagement. We inquire, listen, and probe to help you achieve the results you need.

Drive Results: 3 Key Factors

Leadership is a collection of behaviours you choose to exhibit on a daily basis and the impact of your decisions. An effective coaching relationship drives leadership effectiveness. In Mary Beth O’neil’s book Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart: A Systems Approach to Engaging Leaders with Their Challenges, O’neil influences modern coaches and help leaders measure 3 Key Factors in their leadership effectiveness. I partner with leaders to measure and drive 1) business results 2) improved leader interpersonal behaviours 3) effective team interactions. Imagine shifting habits/patterns/behaviour as a leader that will drive results AND create more positive, efficient, and effective team interactions in this challenging time. You’ll be in great service to your organization. An executive coach can help achieve this and more.

My COVID-19 Executive Coaching Pledge:

In these uncertain and unsettling times: I pledge from now, until the pandemic is deemed under control by our health authorities, to 2X my coaching support at no additional cost. In leading through this incredibly challenging time you want to achieve more clarity, piece of mind, sleep better, and show up for your teams with more presence, control, and commitment to seeing this through. You’ll drive results, lead with integrity, and build team culture at a time it’s needed most.


According to the International Coach Federation, over 90% of surveyed leaders who experienced coaching state they would seek it again, and recommend it to their peers. Now is a critical time for leaders to seek support.

Learn more about Executive Coach Nate Leslie here.