The Coach's Playbook:
For high potential leaders

scale your leadership effectiveness

I can assure you I speak on behalf of the group when I say it has been the highlight of our training program and the lessons learnt will stay with us for a long time! It completely changed the group dynamic (for the better)... Thanks again and I'm looking forward to putting what I learnt into practise.

The coach's playbook: for organizations

How will you scale the Leadership Effectiveness of your top talent? Your custom-build Coach’s Playbook program will: Grow future leaders, increase performance, and drive a healthy high-performance culture, all through a coaching lens. We explore the tangible leadership behaviours that enhance the capabilities of everyone around you. This customized development program for High Potential Leaders is available internally to companies as part of your talent development. We help leaders achieve results that have seen ROI calculated at 800% in case studies measuring retention, performance, results, and deeper levels of engagement and psychological safety.

Nate Leslie Leadership Center Mark McGregor Coach's Playbook
Nate Leslie setting up an interactive experience for High Potential Leaders in Schwabenheim, Germany (Leadership Center GmbH).

High-Performance Index data-driven culture diagnostic is available. Follow up Certified Executive Coaching (PCC, CEC) to support change initiatives and drive accountability available. To set up an internal program for your organization please connect here with Nate. Partner programs through the Mark McGregor Leadership Center GmbH also available.

Coach's Playbook 2-3 Day Program