Integrity is not a part time job.

As I walk my neighbourhood I see people at all stages of their health journeys. Some are on the ‘stay in shape plan,’ while others are battling the ‘get back in shape plan,’ while some have lost their way. I commend and applaud every human taking single steps to build a healthy lifestyle. But today I praise those who choose to stay in shape. Making consistent, unwavering healthy decisions benefit oneself, one’s family, and one’s community. If we unpack this analogy, we see that living with integrity requires aligning decisions with core values and principles, even, and especially, in the face of adversity.

When I was 15 years old NHL legend Paul Coffey said, “the best way to get in shape is to stay in shape (Source: high school coach Marsh Kennedy).”  Hearing those words at a pivotal age transitioning from multi sport school athlete to high performance athlete left a lifelong impact on me. 

I’m learning that making poor health choices frustrates me and fuels my guilty conscience. When I’ve hit a slump or cheated on exercise, food, and rest, I pay for it. Working out gets harder. Getting to the gym seems inconvenient. Guilt sets in. Feeling great in my own skin, and charting my own course in life seems less attainable. My integrity seems in doubt. I’m not living my core principles consistently.

The best way to get in shape, is to stay in shape.

Living with integrity creates expansive future possibilities. Consistent, values based, intentional decision making in a growth mindset, day in and day out, can lead us to achieving our greatest potential. By honouring our integrity, making good decisions consistently becomes effortless. When we’re committed, our highest potential feels achievable. We feel in flow. Living in alignment with our personal integrity and core values lets us dictate our future path. We get to choose who we wish to be (Coaching out of the Box, 2019). We hold the power to shape our own world. Are you simply going to stay in shape, or constantly battle to get in shape?

Published by Nate Leslie

Nate is a Certified Executive Coach (ACC, CEC) with a Master's Degree in Education. He is a former professional hockey player now in service of leaders.