Ep.40 – Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Guests Jenn Beninger & Carson Cooper. 

Jenn Beninger & Carson Cooper are the founders of Genius Unlocked Coaching. A holistic approach to executive coaching training & development.
Jenn Beninger & Carson Cooper
Picture of Owen Hart

Owen Hart

Client Experience Coordinator |
Producer - Leading with Curiosity Podcast

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Jen Beninger & Carson Cooper are the founders & owners of Genius Unlocked. Genius Unlocked is an executive coaching course that takes a holistic & streamlined approach to helping coaches become board certified. The course can be completed in under a year and helps coaches achieve their highest potential all while providing them with 7 different certifications including their ICF! The program involves four modules of intensive training, practice hours, live group sessions, meditations and will help coaches develop greater awareness & healing that they can carry to their own clients.

Jen & Carson worked individually for years as coaches and established themselves as experts in their own unique facets of coaching (Jen & Carson have 16 coaching certifications combined). Jen and Carson decided to combine their individual strengths of structured coaching and intuitive connection to create Powerful Coaching Mastery which is the outcome they now strive to provide to their clients.

Nate sat down with Jen and Carson to learn more about their unique approach to coaching along with discussing some of the cutting edge work they do with their clients.


Intuition: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.



  •  Jen & Carson’s holistic approach to coaching that involves utilizing multiple modalities to help clients remove judgements and trauma from their unconscious mind.
  • The neuro-linguistic programming of our unconscious mind and the subconscious effects it can have on our daily thought patterns and perception of the world around us.
  • How having a better understanding of our own brain and its patterns through neuro-linguistic programming can help with overcoming the negative behavior associated with traumatic experiences.
  • The importance of Intuition in achieving your goals and its role in connecting the conscious & unconscious mind.
  • The 4 stages to further developing your own Intuition.
  • The power of staying within your comfort zone to achieve your goals. Why staying true to your values is more beneficial than going outside your comfort zone.
  • The positive impact and breakthroughs that can occur through exploring negative thoughts and emotions from your past.
  • Click here to take a free 23-day meditation series (provided by Genius Unlocked) that can help you unlock your Intuition.
  • Click here to take a Quiz that will help you uncover why your coaching business isn’t working.
  • To learn more about Jen & Carson and unlock your Coaching Genius Masterclass visit here. 
  • Read more about Nate Leslie here.

Command and Control Leadership is Dead. We interview leaders, entrepreneurs, and Certified Executive Coaches challenging old paradigms and fostering cutting edge leadership. The brain behaves very differently when ‘encouraged to think’ rather than ‘told to listen’. Hosted by Nate Leslie – Certified Executive Coach (M.Ed., ACC, CEC) and former professional athlete. 




@18:00Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Jen and Carson from Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute. This is the first time we’ve done an episode with multiple guests.

I’m really excited about the conversation I’m going to have with the two of you.

@18:57Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Welcome to Leading with Curiosity. Thank you, Nathan. Work for I did to be here.

@19:01Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Yeah, this is going to be great. We are going to focus this conversation around your holistic approach. Multi modality around coaching.

You both bring unique elements to your coaching practice and the work that you do with other coaches and with individual clients.

Jen, why don’t you just tell us a little bit about where we’re headed today and Genius Unlocked.

@19:24Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Absolutely. Thank you. And I’m excited to be here to percarson. I’d like to share with your listeners for taking out the time of their time and day to listen to us talk about what we are so passionate about.

So, uh, Gina, a lot of really our mission is as coach, as a coach, an institute is to really support people in releasing the most vulnerable judgments that they have about themselves.

That is, that is in their unconscious mind, which creates the reality that they live in. So the reason that we look at it as a holistic approach is because we want people to understand that the

mind, the body, the spirit, you know, every, you know, their emotions are all connected. And if you only focus on using one modality in the coaching, whether we certify them in that, or they experience it as a client, then they’re leaving out all of the other ways that they can grow and release, you know, PTSD, trauma, and addiction, which is one of the modality, which is one of the areas that we specialize in.

So by us being able to utilize and create, Carson and I each have over 16 different coaching certifications that are that multi modality, so that wherever our clients come, they, wherever, however, they come to us as either a client or a coach who wants to get certified, we can now create a special plan just for them that releases what’s in there on a conscious mind.

We are not a cookie cutter coaching company. We completely believe that whatever you experience in your life is absolutely true to you.

And there’s not just one way to to release everything. So that’s where we come with the holistic is we look at the mind, the body, the spirit, the emotions.

And then we have the different various modalities to support you in releasing that so that no matter what you have in your life, you can hit the goals that you want.

@21:18Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Hey, Carson, what do you want to add to that?

@21:20Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Yeah, it’s so interesting. Jen and I each started our coaching businesses with one coaching certification each. And we had this big goal.

We were going to be that entrepreneur that made $100,000. And I think we each only made about I made 1800 she made $2,000.

And we realized with the one modality, we weren’t getting the impact that we wanted. So I brought the science and the structure of coaching.

And Jen really bought the intuitive and the unconscious mind approach.

@21:46Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

And we found when we integrated that science and that structure with that intuition and unconscious mind is when we still we really were getting deep impact with people.

So let’s talk about this structure. and the science of what’s happening here first, who would like to share for our listeners about what’s actually happening in the coaching process and the work that you do or in coaching as a modality.

@22:14Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Yeah, so we focus on neuro-linguistic programming, which really is the science behind the brain. It’s denominalizing what’s already working in psychology and therapy.

And so we have our five senses. So neuro is we have our five senses. In some information comes in and our, it’s captured by our neurology.

Linguistics is we label that everything coming into our brain. We label that because of our past experiences, our values, our memories.

And then that creates our programming. So neuro-linguistic programming. So neurology comes in, you label it through your body.

@22:56Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

You want in your life or it makes it so that you’re not doing the results that you want.

@23:00Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Yeah, well, okay. Yeah, go ahead, Jen.

@23:05Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

No, I was just going to say, so what is so powerful about what Carson just explained about the science behind is you are neurologically programmed to react to different things that experiences in your life.

And what also Carson was explaining is that’s how you create the patterns in your life that you don’t consciously know that you’re doing.

You’re unconsciously showing up. So we say this a lot to our clients is they’re like, okay, have you ever like always had the same boss?

Have you always dated the same person? Are you wondering why you keep repeating this pattern? Well, what Carson just explained is that’s what’s going on in your brain is you’re receiving the information, you’re labeling it, right?

With like, oh, this is what this is what love is. This is what having, you know, working is this is what having clients is.

And then your program to respond the same way. And then people wonder, they’re like, Oh, I want to break this pattern.

How do I break this pattern? Well, in order to do that, you have to go inside and break up the language and redefine what you’re labeling these experiences so that you can do new activities, new behaviors, and get different results.

And that’s what we love about what we do. Carson and I are both absolutely obsessed with how the brain works.

And it’s because so many coaches are like empowering questions, asking empowering questions, but we want coaches to know how is the empowering question actually changing the neurology of the brain.

@24:34Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Right. So Carson, how are powerful questions changing the neurology of the brain?

@24:39Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Yeah. So in our conscious mind is very specific. It’s our thought to patterns. So it’s what we think on daily basis.

It’s strategy, it’s planning. Then we have what’s in our unconscious mind. Our unconscious mind is very abstract. And so when we go through an experience, our conscious mind is saying that we’re not going to

or it’s holding on to an identity that we have, or it’s holding on to a hurt from the past.

Well, that’s all in our unconscious mind. But what the conscious mind does is I can’t do that. I’m not good enough or I’m going to do it this way.

Our conscious mind creates dichotomy thinking. Like, I can only do it this way or this way. And that’s because our conscious mind wants us to stay safe.

It also creates dichotomy thinking so that it feels like we have control because it’s very specific. But in the unconscious mind, we recognize that we actually have four internal voices.

And so our ego is holding on to our identities from the past. I have to prove that I’m a good mom.

I have to prove that I’m a good entrepreneur. And so we’re going to do everything to prove that. Our inner critic is actually telling us we’re not good enough.

We can’t do this. We’re not smart enough in order to stay safe. And our inner child is actually holding on to the hurts from the past or zero to seven.

and print age. And so what we have to do is understand the unconscious mind has prime directives and we actually repress memories in order to function.

Yet in a safe coaching space, you can actually understand how each person stores and organizes information uniquely using their linguistic programming.

Then we can actually create a safe space to present these unconscious thoughts. And then we believe that your intuition is the translator.

So what do you deserve to learn from these inner voices so that you can shift your thinking, shift your perception?

@26:39Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

And I’ve written down a couple of words here. When you think about that NLP, the neuro-linguistic programming, that programming being about the behavior that you exhibit.

And I also caught judging yourself. And you guys work in a heavy area, if I can be honest, with people who have been through heavy things.

Can you We share a little bit about the behaviors that we exhibit as a result of the story we’re telling ourselves and the way that we’re judging ourselves and and and how that might.

Well, the impact that that can have, especially for people that have dealt with hard things in their lives.

@27:17Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Yes, and that’s a great question, Nathan. So what is so powerful about understanding how the brain works, which is what Carson was just sharing.

Is when you when this information comes in, which is a traumatic experience for someone and you’re all free from this.

So we’re going to talk a little bit about some traumatic experiences is, you know, there’s a car accident if there’s a loss.

If you’ve been a victim of any type of abuse, your you start labeling and creating that internal picture inside of your brain.

And you’re labeling experiences because when your trauma is defined is when you’re in a high.

@28:00Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

and emotional negative state.

@28:03Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

And something happens that you make a neurological connection to. You have built the synopsis that this situation equals trauma.

Okay. Now, we, like I mentioned before, is we do specialize in trauma PTSD and addiction with PTSD. What happens is when that they get triggered into that emotional state, it takes them right back there, where they’re actually in that PTSD state.

Like they’re in that traumatic state versus if someone’s in trauma, it’s that it triggers the negative thoughts and emotions that they had in that state.

It just doesn’t take them back. And then an addiction, which we were talking about a moment ago, is that is the coping mechanism that someone uses when they are in either that PTSD to try to avoid it or they’re in that trauma to try to avoid it.

So what’s happening is when you’re labeling these experiences, experiences and you’re understanding what’s going on in the brain neurologically, which is you’re in that heightened and negative emotional state and then that event, you know, the stimulus happens, which is, you know, the car accident, the, you know, being overseas, the abuse.

Whether it’s a one-time event, it can happen with a one-time event, it can also happen with reoccurring event. My personal trauma was I was in a very abusive, emotionally and mentally abusive relationship with my ex-husband, who was also an alcoholic.

So I really thought that with the work that I do, I was going to be able to fix, I remember walking into my first NLP class, car accident, get a test of this.

I remember walking in my first NLP class and the first that I had was I can fix my marriage.

@29:42Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

I can save my marriage.

@29:43Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

And instead, what happened is I saved myself because I was able to untangle all of that and was able to leave that emotional abuse of and on a positive note.

Like it ended up working out at the end of the day, which is, I remember our media. It was like, I’ve never seen anybody transform like this.

That was such a high conflict dealing with the traumatic experience with an alcoholic. I’ve never seen a resolution like this.

And it’s all because I understood what was going on in my brain and his brain. And I was able to untangle all of that, which gave me a different representation.

So my behavior changed so that to answer your quick, to bring it back to that question of, what is the behavior I was exhibiting?

Well, I was trying to save me and him. I was trying to make him feel guilty for drinking. I was trying to, I was actually my kids at the time, they called me me mommy because I had so much, I had no patience anymore.

I was just in such fight, flight, survival mode. So my behaviors were not okay. I wasn’t making money or keeping money.

I wasn’t being the mom that I knew I wanted to be. They called me scary mommy because I had such a short fuse.

I was arguing. doing with my husband, I was wondering who’s going to show up through the door at the end, you know, my ex-husband at the end of the day.

So those behaviors, none of them were serving me, neither were the results, which was fighting, not a relationship. And then when I threw the power of this work and understanding that that was traumatic for me to live in that space after 25 years of a marriage, for me to change the picture, to get the learning, my behavior switched.

@31:29Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

So I thought not like some specific things that Jen did, because this is powerful, because her conscious mind was saying the drinking was bad, that he wasn’t strong enough in order to pick alcohol over her.

She was saying that, oh, if he’s picking alcohol over me, I don’t matter.

@31:48Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

So that’s what her conscious mind was saying.

@31:51Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

And then her unconscious mind was actually, it was, it was a projection. And so in the, we talk about perception as projection.

And I, In the coaching world, it’s like direct projections and people like, oh, you need to take responsibility for his drinking.

@32:05Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

No, what we did is she actually took responsibility for the negative thoughts and emotions she had about the drinking.

@32:12Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

And so in her unconscious mind, she actually felt like she was weak. Because she was her conscious mind of saying, oh, he’s not strong enough to put drinking over me.

Well, we went down and through neural and acoustic programming, we released weakness. Then, oh, he’s picking drinking over me.

I don’t matter. We went and went into our unconscious mind and released don’t matter. And then through releasing what was in the unconscious mind, three different things happen when you actually shift what’s in the unconscious mind.

@32:42Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

So the three things that happen when you shift what’s going on in the unconscious mind is, number one, the person will take themselves out of the equation.

Okay, so they’ll leave. Okay, so it’s not you leaving them. It’s they leave. The second thing that we did was we did it.

could happen and one of these three things does happen when you clean all this up. So the second thing that could happen is what we lovingly like to call the invasion of the body snatchers because you’ll show up to this person again and you’ll be like, who is this person?

Like they’ve completely changed. It’s because you’ve changed what your perception and what you’re projecting on them and what your negative thoughts and emotions are around that.

@33:26Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Then you’re seeing them in a different way.

@33:28Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

A whole new way and you were actually thinking that there were different versions. We had a client of ours that had a very tumultuous relationship with her mother, her whole life.

Her whole life, it was a very, very bad relationship with her mom and she came to us in her late 50s.

She does the process, the releasing process that we talked about and she goes, she just went on a trip with us for our clients that we had in came over.

She goes, Jen, I need to pull you aside. She goes, I went and saw my mom and she said

the nicest things to me and I’m in my 50s and she has never talked to me like that before.

I don’t even understand what happened. And it was she just she was in tears. She’s like I’ve lived 50 plus years of my life with my mom being this way.

We cleaned up all the projections that she had on her mom and now her mom is treating her like she wanted to be treated when she was a kid.

So that’s what we mean by invasion of the body snatchers. We’re like where did the old version of that person go and who’s here now?

And then the third thing that will happen is they won’t change you do which means they still exhibit the same and that was that that’s what happened with with my my divorce with my with my with my relationship.

So we’ve been together for 25 years. I actually have been together for 28 years but married for 25 years and I went through all this process and I started realizing and and I remember it.

Carson will remember the conversation is I was saying oh my gosh you know my husband. You know, Peter is his name and he would say this and I’m just like, rahhh.

And then I started doing this releasing work and he would say the same thing. And I’m like, okay, cool.

@35:10Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

What’s next?

@35:11Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Like I was like, I didn’t even bother me anymore. So one of those three things will happen and it is experienced with me with all of those.

People will take themselves out of the equation. They’ll be completely different person and then you’re like, oh, that’s cool.

Or they won’t shift. Like he still drank. He still said the things that I no longer had any emotional tug on them.

So I just moved on.

@35:36Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Hmm. Can I, can I make this about me? No, can I use an example? Of course you can. And you can kind of layer on what you’re saying.

@35:46Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute


@35:47Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

So my wife and I are sitting around last night and she’s reading a book, The Conscious Parent. And we’re talking about when our kids do things that trigger us.

And for example, I’m patient, I’m patient, I’m patient. I’m not, but my reaction to their behavior doesn’t mean they should be allowed to do the thing that they were doing.

But I think I make a connection here to how I react in that moment is actually more about me and what I have going on inside.

Then that that’s necessarily the appropriate reaction as a dad to project on to my child. I see heads nodding for those watching on YouTube.

@36:26Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

They see heads nodding.

@36:28Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Carson, what sense have I made out of this fascinating topic?

@36:33Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Absolutely. So what we like to ask is like when somebody has a problem or a challenge, what are the qualities and characteristics of that problem or challenge?

So what are the qualities and characteristics of your child’s behavior? And then what are the negative thoughts and emotions about the qualities and characteristics of that behavior challenge?

So you’re not creating the behavior. You’re getting your negative thoughts and emotions about that behavior. If you’re is stored in your unconscious mind from your past experiences.

So you’re all free from let’s think about a car accident. If there was 40 of us that had a car accident that are listening to this, we’d have different thoughts and emotions about the car accident because of our past experiences.

And so let’s bring this back to your kid is there’s the negative thoughts and emotions are actually stored in your unconscious mind.

And that’s what you’re projecting on your behavior. You go in and you clean up the stored negative thoughts and emotions.

Then you will actually change the behavior, the child will change the behavior. You’ll see the behavior differently or you’ll be able to be more creative about you, about the way you handle it.

So Jen earlier talked about significant emotional events in our life will from our negative, significant emotional events in our life.

We have negative thoughts and emotions and then we have values that were created from that. So in neural language programming, you’re thinking about all unconsciously, all the time.

that your children are all the times that your dad and mom treated you a certain way. All the times that you’ve seen other parents treat kids, I’m good or bad, all of your relationships and your unconscious mind is gathering all of that up in a split second.

And so for a while, you can consciously think about how you want to be as a parent. And so you’re consciously reacting to your child until the threshold gets low and the stress gets high.

Then your only response is to react from the unconscious automatics that have been programmed in you since childhood. So what an early holistic programming goes in is you go back and you learn from your parents and all those experiences that built up to why you react that way.

You actually see that the value that came from it was not it was either given to you or because of the negative event, it was not the value that you inherently have and that you want to have.

So we go back and reframe it so that you actually have choice back released from the unconscious mind and then

You have new behaviors with your children and you stop getting, um, I guess triggered by them.

@39:05Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Because my girls don’t call me scary mommy anymore. I have an amazing relationship with my girls now and it’s because I was responding when I was scary mommy.

I was responding from like exactly what Carson just said. It was all the negative stuff that had that was coming.

It was automatic because my stress was high. As soon as I was able to release all of that, again, one of those three things happened.

One, well, they didn’t go away. Um, my husband, my kids, but they were, they their behavior changed. I was like, you’re not even the same kid anymore.

What happened? And then there were some instances. I mean, I do have teenage daughters. Um, so there are some instances where their behavior doesn’t really change their teenagers.

My, I’m no longer scary mommy. So it’s, it’s, that’s just, it’s so powerful, but I didn’t do it consciously.

we had to go in into the unconscious mind and use our intuition, my intuition as the mom and Carson’s intuition as the coach, using that to translate what was going on between my conscious and unconscious mind to get the results that I wanted.

So that’s what’s possible for you and I love that you use your own situation.

@40:19Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Yeah, it’s in you guys have been so transparent and vulnerable sharing your stories to you. And so I haven’t done all the work, but here’s what did happen this morning is my year old daughter was having a rough morning.

She’s a little bit under the weather and it was she was like melting down and I just caught myself and I said this isn’t even about me.

I don’t know what it’s about, but it’s not about me. And I just walked into her room and I sat down beside her and I said, do you want to cuddle?

And she did and it turned out she was upset that her brother was sick because he was going to miss their hip hop dance class because he’s sick.

So she had this all bottled thing bottled up going on. But all that came out. Oh, and then within like seconds, she’s back to normal and out we went to have breakfast.

So I didn’t do all the work and unwind, but I did recognize how I’m about to react is, is my choice and and it completely changed the way she reacted back to me.

We’re, we’re reading the same mail here, are we not?

@41:20Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Absolutely. And that is really, it brings creativity. What you did is it brings back creativity. And so oftentimes when people learn PTSD, a dominant trick, they have addiction, they have no choice.

There’s no creativity. There’s no consciousness around it. And we’ve worked with a lot of parents that don’t have consciousness around it.

And so I’m glad that you do this work so that you can press, we call it press your pause button, and yeah, creativity back have choice back, observe your behaviors.

@41:48Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Well, right. So the people that you’re working with who’ve been through PTSD trauma addiction have so much in there, let’s let’s let’s call me fortunate if I’m able to kind of pivot.

quickly like that. There’s some, there’s, and, and, yeah, people have so much inside of them, their past experiences that make these decisions even harder to execute, harder to catch in the moment, and that’s the space that you work in helping people.

I’ve heard you guys use the word unwind, I think today here, kind of unwind and untangle some of those things so that moments like I had this morning can come easier and more fluidly to us, yeah?

@42:30Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Yes, absolutely.

@42:31Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Wow, wow. So there’s a listener that’s thinking, hmm, this is, I thought this sounded like therapy. I thought this is what I would talk to my, my psychologist about or my counselor about which, but the gray boundary or the gray interconnectedness between coaching and other interventions, what can you share about the work that Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute does, and those, those, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

and other interventions.

@43:01Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Yeah, absolutely. So therapy goes back and is going back and re-parenting and changing the way you saw the event.

And it’s actually reprogramming how you would have acted in the event so that you can have healing resolution. So therapy goes back and you talk a lot about what happened in the event, why it happened, what would you have wanted differently, who could you have been differently in the event.

And it’s going back and it’s focusing on the past. What neuro-linguistic programming does is you’re not actually talking about what actually happened.

You’re talking about what are the negative thoughts and emotions that you had in the past that you currently have now in this current situation.

And so when I’m asking when I coach somebody and they’re like, my boss is really controlling. And I say, well, what’s coming out for you?

What does it represent that your boss is really controlling? And they say, It means that I don’t have choice.

Well, when you think about not having choice, what are your negative thoughts and emotions? Well, I feel upset, I feel not good enough, I feel like nobody trusts me, and I feel like I’m not being, I don’t belong.

Okay, well, when’s the first time that you didn’t belong three years old? Okay, when you were three, what were the negative thoughts and emotions?

I felt abandoned and loved. When you felt abandoned, when you thought you were abandoned and loved, what did you feel hurt?

Okay, so I don’t even know what happened at three, but their unconscious mind gave us a representation of that.

Now we know we find what are other times in your life that you felt abandoned or you felt unloved and sad, and then how is that, how are you reacting now because of the abandonment and sad in the past?

And so then you get the learnings so that you actually can release that pattern of abandonment. And which shows up like fighting or attacking people, avoiding, or you have to be the people, please, or you have to be the person that’s always right.

Those are the that’s the presenting problem. But then you get back to the unconscious root cause, which might be that abandonment that not belonging or that hurt.

@45:18Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Okay. Okay. Jen, we talked in the pre interview about intuition.

@45:25Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute


@45:26Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

What would you like to share? My favorite thing.

@45:28Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

My favorite thing on the planet. So intuition as Carson was said at the very, very beginning, we were talking about the conscious, the unconscious mind integration.

So to bring it back is, you know, the conscious mind is extremely specific. And the unconscious mind is extremely abstract.

So when you’re when you guys are setting goals and you’re creating and wanting the things that you’re like, your conscious mind is setting those goals.

And they’re very specific. I want $10,000 a month. I want 12 clients by Friday. You know, I want, you know, I want to,

Hi, this house for my mom. I want to do it. So it’s all this very specific stuff. Well, your unconscious mind is actually the goal getter, which is your motivation, your values, the positive thoughts and emotions.

Well, what happens is if they are not in alignment, then you’re going to set a goal and you’re not going to hit it because your unconscious mind runs the world, right?

You’re going to come up with the anger or sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, not good enough, not important. Don’t deserve unlovable.

Money is bad. I don’t deserve to have all of this. Your unconscious mind is going to stop you from doing that.

So what does our intuition do? Well, our intuition is the translator between the conscious and the unconscious mind. Your intuition is always, always kind, yet not always gentle, which means it might give you a couple of those big aha moments.

Your intuition is always has your best interest in heart and your intuition. But you know, your true self or how source sees you, whatever that definition of sources.

So what happens is if you live in those negative thoughts and emotions from your inner ego, your inner critic in your inner child, right?

Carson explained that, right? You’ve got the hurt. You’ve got the I’m not good enough. You’ve got that anger. If you live in all of that, you’re not hearing your intuition, which is your intuition is like, hey, if you understand that you’re valuable and loved and powerful and magical and creative and intuitive and power, you know, and strong and courageous, you can have everything that you want.

Because it will always guide you to the best possible situation. So the more and more developed that you can be with your intuition, the more you’re going to create the life that you want.

And there’s four stages. So I’ll just, if I can, Nathan, just a quick second. can is just go through the four stages of developing your intuition.

The first stage is really discovering that you’ve got one. So I remember when I was in corporate America, I lived in Silicon Valley, I worked for WebMD, right?

@48:17Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

You guys may have heard of that company, right?

@48:19Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

So I’m living in Silicon Valley, but my husband and I were struggling with infertility, and it was really, really not going well.

I was not, I was a basket case, okay? I had all those negative thoughts and emotions. And then I just, I just knew, I didn’t know it was my intuition at the time, I just knew I needed to quit corporate America.

So I quit corporate America, and then I became a full-time entrepreneur, and two weeks after I quit, I got pregnant.

Completely after three and a half years, I didn’t know that that was my intuition at the time. I just knew I had to discover that you’ve got one.

Maybe you call it a gut feeling. Maybe you call it just that, oh, I got a thought and I just did something.

So once you, discover it. The very next thing you want to do at this next age is understand how your intuition communicates with you so that you can differentiate it between your inner critic, your inner child, and your inner ego.

Because they like to be loud. They’re very loud. They’re not very nice. So that’s one of the first clues, right?

Is that if they’re not being, they’re like, you can’t do that. That’s not your intuition. So the first step is discover it.

The second one is you have to understand how it communicates with you. So a lot of people, maybe even on this line, maybe they’re already.

The third step is what tricks people a lot, trips them up, Nathan, is they need to learn to trust it.

And that’s hard for people that live in that negative thought and emotion. And they’re like, why don’t you trust myself?

So if they don’t trust themselves, they don’t trust others, they’re listening to their other voices for so long.

So we really want to support people in learning to trust their intuition, differentiate. know that this is your intuition that’s communicating with you, whether it’s a knowing of visual, an auditory or a feeling.

HIGHLIGHT: intuition – WATCH

We want you to trust it. And then the fourth stage, which is where we want all of our clients to go.

We want everyone in the world to be able to do this, is to then take the inspired action from their intuition.

And here’s the biggest thing is all of us on the line, no matter what you do, whether you have a job, whether you’re an entrepreneur, whether you’re a parent, you’re on the planet having a human experience, you do things.

You do things. What we want you to do is we want you to take the inspired action from inside of you versus doing what someone else told you.

I was a business coach. I started out as a business coach before I found this work. And I would client to pay me lots of money.

And I help them make six, multiple six, seven figure businesses. And I finally woke up and I went, why are they not doing what I’m doing?

And I was telling them to do. If they would just do what I told them to do. them to do, they’d make all the money in the world.

Oh, wait, it’s because of what’s going on inside. They’re not, they’re not taking the action from their intuition. They’re, I’m telling them to do something in the other negative thoughts and emotions show up.

They’re scared, they’re fearful. They don’t think they’re good enough.

@51:18Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

You’re telling them to do something that like, so even coaching, where advice comes in, people, people, Terri, other people’s advice, like a weight.

@51:29Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Yeah, no, no, no, we want you to know it’s coming in from inside of you. And the only way to really tap into that and take that inspired action is through your intuition.

I mean, there’s, there’s coaches out there. We, you know, that are just like, action, action, just like, get into action and it’ll all work out.

No, because if you’re doing the action that doesn’t come from inside of you, you’re just creating stronger neurological connections, the things that don’t work.

Why not discovery of an intuition, learn how it communicates, trust it, and then take the inspired action from within side of you so that you can create the life that you want.

So that’s the power of intuition and how we apply it to working with our clients.

@52:16Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

So my last 24 hours has been a summary of what you are sharing with me today. You would have been really useful a couple of months ago, but I’m glad we’re doing it today because I can make these four steps about you.

Can I make these four steps about me again? Yes, please. Hopefully when I share my experience, the listeners can make a connection.

Absolutely. And your examples have been great. So I’ve been losing sleep the last couple of months over an opportunity that I accepted that turned out to be way more than I was capable of delivering right now.

But I kept telling myself it’s good. It’s good. I’ve finally realized that. I have a voice inside my head and it shows up at 3 in the morning saying it’s not the right time, it’s not the right fit.

So it was making me act in some pretty strange ways. If I look at understanding how it communicates, I was less present with my family.

I kept thinking I’m going to fail at this. I decided at 7.15 this morning at 11 p.m. last night, I thought I’m doing it.

At 7.15 in the morning, I decided to trust my intuition and politely remove myself from the opportunity. I left well, which is extremely important to me.

It’s a wonderful opportunity for someone else or for me at a different time. And since 7.15 this morning, I have felt this present and this grateful and balanced in months.

Did I just run through my four stages of… intuition, Jen?

@54:01Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Yes, you did. Yes, you did. And that’s what we want people to start operating. And it’s okay because this is the one thing I want you all, all of the listeners and you and you as well, is when you understand that, oh, I was listening to one of my other three voices, right?

The inner ego, the inner critic or the inner child. There’s no absolutely no blame or what did you learn about yourself, Nathan, when you decided to take the step to not take that opportunity?

What did you learn about yourself? Like, no, really, what did you learn about yourself?

@54:40Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Who trusted that that voice that I was telling myself wasn’t there the whole time was the one if there’s four, it’s the one that I needed simply to be listening to.

And I learned I am made to my family. I will not do this again. And I might, but I don’t mean to.

And that’s person. Let’s get like person. What are you you’ve had you’ve had a chance to witness Jen and I kind of throw in this back and forth.

@55:07Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

What’s coming up for you? Yeah, it’s really about what are the when you listen to ego you go you’re he goes like oh I can do this I can make big money.

Sure. And then you’re into so that’s actually a you still have values around money yet. It’s not the value that you want to hear what I heard is you actually have conflicting value that you had conflicting values.

I was your ego when you’re speaking when you allow the learns from your intuition you’re like oh you actually understand what’s important to you you’re aligned and then you feel so much better.

And that is what I want people to be aligned on they believe in themselves they trust themselves like you say they feel emotionally connected to it and they’re willing to take the inspired action steps.

And that’s what I heard from you.

@56:00Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

And so one of the reasons I took this was because it was really going to put me out of my comfort zone.

HIGHLIGHT: Comfortable zone – WATCH

And then today I open my research for this conversation and the suggested topic is why you should never go outside your comfort zone to reach your goals.

And I’m like, where were you guys two months ago? So what happened to me there around comfort zone then?

@56:27Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Yeah. So we believe that you should stay in your comfort zone. And because if you’re going outside of your comfort zone, it means that you are forcing yourself to do something.

Just think about that. Go outside your comfort zone means that you’re not enough. So we’re telling people, go outside the comfort zone and your unconscious mind is saying, oh, I’m not enough.

We believe that you can go inside your values. What’s important to you? Your heart is inside and it knows what’s best.

And so through negative thoughts and emotions. are negative experiences, we wall up our heart. We put chains around it, we put walls around it.

And when you actually get the learnings and the lessons from all of those negative thoughts, emotions, or experiences that caused that block, what you did was you got into your heart and you said, well, my family is most important to me.

I want to put my family first, I value family. You stayed in your comfort zone and then you actually expand your comfort zone.

And from now on, you’re going to be able to see opportunities and notice opportunities where you can go out and make money, be a coach, but then also that serves your family.

@57:40Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

So, yeah, so these are the, this is what happens. So my core values being, you know, my personal health, if I can take care of myself, then I can take care of my family.

So my family’s there, lifelong learning and autonomy. And lifelong learning is the only one that was being taught. being lived here because it was way outside of my comfort zone and others.

I mean, but it was conflicting against the other three, my own personal health, getting away from my family, I wasn’t present, and it was really at odds with my autonomy.

So that decision, why core values matter, the decision was actually when I chose to listen to intuition. My core values actually made the decision for me.

I was only fueling one of them, and that’s not enough. Yeah.

@58:31Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

And it sounded like that that core value is being led by your ego in that moment, not good or bad.

And yet because you will, and you do at some points, that core value is led by your intuition. And then it’s amazing.

@58:47Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

It happens incredibly. That’s what we want people to start understanding is when is that core value being led from your intuition trusted and take that inspired action versus when is that core value being led by the other three voices that

is causing that conflict and then you’re making those decisions from your inner ego, inner critical, inner child. So that’s the sermon.

That’s what we want people to understand is when you understand truly how your intuition communicates with you. So the next time a situation is run with that number one core value, you’re going to be able to say, oh, that’s not how my intuition talks to me.

So I’m going to go over here or you’ll be like, that’s right. That’s how my intuition talks to me.

I’m going to trust that my intuition is going to do that. And then you’re going to take the inspired action on that from your intuition.

And that’s how you’re going to create the life that you want, get the results that you want. It’s going to seem either easy and effortless and you’re going to get your goals when you’re taking when that core value is being fed by the other three voices.

And then you’re not checking in and tapping into your intuition and turning that on and understanding that’s when you start going down the route of, oh, this is hard two months and not sleeping.

You know, everything. that you just described. But you then what happened is your intuition was always hanging out there.

Your intuition is like, Hello, I’m here and you’re like, I’m good. I’m here in two months. And then you hurt.

@1:00:13Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Are you inside my mind right now?

@1:00:15Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

No, continue. So that’s what’s so cool is your ladies and gentlemen, your intuition is always there. It’s always there.

It’s just winter how so basically for you, Nathan, it took two months for you to go maybe I just listen, some people for me, I hear again, I probably have the most more singing for the more I did, right?

Or some people it’s five minutes. But your intuition is always there. It’s always got your back, you’ll always lead you.

However, there’s nothing wrong with listening to the other three voices. That’s what I’m saying. There’s no blame or shame, because you deserve the learning that you got.

So that’s the moment you got the learning, your intuition was like, here I am. And you said, that’s right.

And I trust you and I’m making this decision. and you took yourself out of that equation and you gained all the learnings to go with you.

And now you have a stronger relationship with your intuition and now you’re learning how it communicates with you so you can trust it and take that inspired action more often.

@1:01:15Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Carson, we have two options and I know which one I probably need to go with my intuition on this one.

One is you guys can keep helping me for a few more hours or two, we can kind of stick to the fact that I try to wrap these up inside of 30 to 40 minutes.

So we’re going to go with option two, we’ll go with our intuition, not our ego, our ego. And so final thoughts on this conversation, Carson.

@1:01:44Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Yeah, so your negative thoughts and emotions from your past are the keys to your breakthrough and the positive thoughts and emotions and the learnings from those events are the path to your genius.

And we’ve believe that every single person has a genius inside of them. And when they do the work to release negative thoughts and emotions through a breakthrough, and then they pick up those positive thoughts emotions and learnings, they can be they can be their genius, and then they can serve the world, serve their family in such a more powerful way.

@1:02:19Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

Thank you, Jen.

@1:02:22Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute


@1:02:23Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

I know we want to share with our listeners where they can find you and you have something for them.

@1:02:29Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Yes. So we are Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute, and GeniusUnlocked.coach is our website. You can also find us on any of the socials, just type in Genius Unlocked.

And then we’re also for meditations and what we’re else on Insight Timer. So we love for those of you that want to connect more with your intuition.

So we also Carson and I and Genius Unlocked have a free gift that we like to give everyone that listening here.

And there will be a link in the show notes. And what it is, it’s a 23 day, or 23, I just have to be one a day, but just 23.

It’s a journey and there are meditations that take you from the beginning of discovering your intuition all the way through to learning to be able to take the inspired action.

And you don’t have to listen to one every day. We want you to listen to them in order. And it’s a free gift.

It’s a meditation series. It’s called Unlocking Your Intuition. And all you have to do is click on the link in the show notes.

And it’ll take you right to the meditation to register. You either get a text reminder or you can get an email reminder.

We’ll let you guys choose the best way to receive it. The benefit of doing this. Why would you want to listen to these 23 meditations?

You’d want to listen to the meditations because every time you listen to one of the meditations, you’re becoming more aware and conscious of how you can create the life that you want.

Each meditation is designed to support you. when going through those four phases, and they’re all infused with NLP, timeline therapy, energy, you know, all of the information so that at the end of the 23 days, you’re waking up going, Oh my gosh, I’ve created a new way to communicate with my intuition to start creating the life that I want.

So we want to give that free gift away to everyone here who’s stuck with us, and learned more about intuition and how your mind works.

@1:04:28Nate Leslie (nateleslie.ca)

You fool after what I shared with you if I didn’t take it myself, so I can’t wait to sign up.

Thank you both. Thank you both for sharing your stories, help me feel comfortable sharing mine, and in turn, hopefully we can help our listeners.

So listeners, the link to the free meditation series will be in the show notes wherever you find your podcasts.

And if you can’t find it there at podcast, you’ll find it there. Jen and Carson, thank you so much for your time.

@1:05:02Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute

Thank you so much.

Podcast: Leading with Curiosity

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