
As a Certified Executive Coach, Nate Leslie has teamed up with organizations that train and develop leaders in practice.  Together they share a mission to cultivate a high performance culture in teams that achieve goals while having a positive human experience.

Mark McGregor Leadership Center

In-house training with global companies around the world since 1999. Focusing on the importance of vision, mission and values, we instil the philosophy of ‘The 10 Principles of Leadership and Life’.

Nate Leslie is a learning lead specializing in high performance coaching with the Mark McGregor Leadership Center GmbH based in Switzerland.


The SupportingLines Instiute helps organizations cultivate a high-performance culture, where teams achieve critical goals while having a positive human experience at work. Their approach is data-driven and invites employees to co-create the process. Nate Leslie is certified by the SupportingLines Institute to use leadership assessment tools and complete a comprehensive goal setting framework. 

Royal Roads University

High Performance Index Assessment Certification Course. Leaders don’t need to choose between achieving results and improving the human experience at work. The High-Performance Index™ helps clients measure all facets of high-performance culture in a single assessment. A modern, comprehensive assessment of high-performance culture is just the first step. Unique to many other assessments on the market, the SupportingLines Institute takes great pride in providing a robust library of solutions that help clients improve areas of concern the data has exposed. Highlight strengths and take action on emerging priorities that will unlock healthy high performance leadership in organizations.

Is your organization looking for comprehensive leadership development?

Connect with Nate Leslie (PCC, CEC, M.Ed.) to see how any of these partnerships can benefit you