
Host - Nate Leslie, Certified Executive Coach

Ep. 31 ira wolfe
Executive Coaching

Ep. 31 – I Am Not Good…Yet. Guest Ira Wolfe.

Ira Wolfe is an influential and prominent figure in the HR world. He is recognized as one of the most visionary thinkers within the industry and is one of the top 5 Global Thought Leaders in the future of work and HR. Ira’s professions include being an author, public speaker, business-owner, podcaster and blogger.

Ep. 29 Kimberly Gerber
Executive Coaching

Ep.29 – Candor is Undervalued. Guest Kimberly Gerber.

Kimberly and her team at Excelerate have provided over 38,000 hours of coaching. For 30+ years she has helped transform the impact of 1500+ leaders in over 100 countries including Verizon, USC, Revance, Blizzard, Allergan, UCLA, COOP, and more.

Alain Hunkins
Author / Book

Ep. 21 – Leadership is Performance Art. Guest Alain Hunkins.

Alain Hunkins helps high achieving people become high achieving leaders. Over his twenty-year career, Alain has worked with over 2,000 groups of leaders in 25 countries. Clients include Wal-Mart, Pfizer, Citigroup, General Electric, State Farm Insurance, IBM, General Motors, and Microsoft. In addition to being a leadership speaker, consultant, trainer, and coach, Alain is the author of Crack the Leadership Code: Three Secrets to Building Strong Leaders.

Todd Cherches
Author / Book

Ep.18 – VisuaLeadership: I SEE What You Are Saying. Guest Todd Cherches.

Todd Cherches is the CEO & Cofounder of BigBlueGumball, an innovative NYC-based consulting firm specializing in leadership development, management training, public speaking, and executive coaching. Creator of the patented VisuaLeadership methodology, Todd is a TEDx speaker (“The Power of Visual Thinking”), as well as a three-time award winning Adjunct Professor of leadership at NYU and Columbia University. He is also the author of VisuaLeadership: Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking in Leadership and in Life.

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